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  • Writer's pictureVon Nebo

A Step Back

I do not revel in the fact that the world faces a lockdown due to a virus.

But perhaps, in a way, I dreamed of an uprooting of life as we know it.

Because the day in and day out can get to you.

I'm a firm believer of changing anything and everything in your life that you want to be different, but society is set up so that you get in a rut.

You need the things to live the life, so you work the job to get the money to get the things, but then you have no life to live. Many of us never planned on or asked to be in the rat race, but then there we are.

And it's compounded by this alternate reality of celebrities and influencers on social media who's job is to literally make you feel like you're nothing compared to them.

But now here we are. Society has ground to a halt, and we're given a chance to do a little bit of something else.

Some say "WELP, now I'm bored lol".

Not me.

I will not let this opportunity slip through my fingers.

Every free minute in the job I had was spent planning out how to be full time in the music industry.

I was DYING to work on things that -I- wanted to work on.

And now, I am.

I am not bored.

I'm free.

And the time I've spent creating has already been life-changing.

If society is in lockdown where you are, I urge you to do the same.

If you aren't sick and dying, then this has the potential to be a very positive thing for you.

Pay attention to the little things in life.


Spend some time in nature.

Spend some time thinking about things you haven't thought about in a long time.

Or perhaps things you've never thought about before.

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."


I don't believe in luck as some cosmic force of selection, I see it exactly as good old Seneca puts it. That statement vibes with me so well right now that I'd wear it as a shirt.

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